Investigations and Compliance

Cases involving frauds, corruption, manipulated financial statements, cyber crimes, internal investigation or originated by regulatory agencies, disputes on intellectual property and misbehavior of collaborators, may cause significant financial and reputation losses, among other undesired consequences to the companies.

The growing demand for Investigation and Compliance services, in Brazil and abroad, can be attributed to the laws FCPA, UK Bribery Act and Law 12.846/2013, which stimulate the implementation of procedures and sound anti-corruption policies. Additionally, the technological advance enables to create mechanism to prevent and identify frauds and misbehaviors.

The Frauds, Investigations and Disputes (FID) area of BDO offers solutions for prevention, identification of frauds and illegal actions, support in disputes and consultancy in the implementation of Compliance programs, thus contributing to the mitigation of risks related to current corporate activities in all segments. Our solutions provide the necessary subsidies so that, when the responsible parties are identified, the companies and institutions can define the best strategy in case they opt for legal proceedings.  Besides, we can count on the support from other BDO areas that are specialized in the business of each client.

The work can be made both at physical and technological levels, by using a set of specific services for each demand, always considering the needs of the BDO client.