CDO professionals are prepared to assist your company with administrative services in the labor area. Among the provided services, are:
- Preparation of the processes for admission, vacations and termination
- Calculation and issue of payrolls and respective receipts (monthly and 13th. salary); vacations and provision for vacations and 13th. salary
- Issue of payment forms (IRRF, GPS, FGTS and Union Contribution)
- Monthly payment forms of Union Tax, Confederative and Assistance contributions and employer’s contribution, related to payroll
- Processing of labor admission and labor termination
- Register and update of the CTPS
- Registers and updates of the book or employee form
- Monthly presentation of GFIP and Social Connectivity
- Annual RAIS presentation
- Preparation of employees’ declarations
- Presentation of CAGED
- List of vacations with vacations acquisition periods
- Monthly list with expiring dates of test period agreements
- CND: follow up on CND (FGTS/INSS) via internet
- Preparation of E-Social