Tax Compliance

Tax Compliance

Taxation has significant impact on costs and performance of the companies. Therefore, it is fundamental the correct management of taxes in Brazil.  Some of our compliance services are:

Indirect taxes

BDO offers solutions to help the tax area of the companies or corporate groups to comply with the numerous existing tax rules, such as

  • Review of the tax procedures for calculation of ICMS, IPI, ISSQN, PIS, COFINS IOF, CIDE, Import Tax, Withholdings, compliance with special tax regimes, among others;
  • Preparation of Books to support extemporaneous credits of PIS, COFINS, IPI and ICMS; and
  • Review, management or fulfillment of accessory obligations (EFD-contribuições, EFD-ICMS/IPI, GIA, Siscoserv, PER/DCOMP´s and similar ones).

Our IT Tax Solution area is an important partner to help us in handling data, which transit among the above-mentioned solutions.

Direct Taxes

Our Direct Taxes area provides assistance on matters related to IRPJ and CSLL and offers the following services:

- Review of IRPJ/CSLL calculation bases

- Fulfillment or review of the ECF

- Tax consultancy on interpretation of legislation

- Implementation and review of controls related to Research & Development (R&D)