Taxation has significant impact on costs and performance of the companies. Therefore, it is fundamental the correct management of taxes in Brazil. Some of our compliance services are:
Indirect taxes
BDO offers solutions to help the tax area of the companies or corporate groups to comply with the numerous existing tax rules, such as
- Review of the tax procedures for calculation of ICMS, IPI, ISSQN, PIS, COFINS IOF, CIDE, Import Tax, Withholdings, compliance with special tax regimes, among others;
- Preparation of Books to support extemporaneous credits of PIS, COFINS, IPI and ICMS; and
- Review, management or fulfillment of accessory obligations (EFD-contribuições, EFD-ICMS/IPI, GIA, Siscoserv, PER/DCOMP´s and similar ones).
Our IT Tax Solution area is an important partner to help us in handling data, which transit among the above-mentioned solutions.
Direct Taxes
Our Direct Taxes area provides assistance on matters related to IRPJ and CSLL and offers the following services:
- Review of IRPJ/CSLL calculation bases
- Fulfillment or review of the ECF
- Tax consultancy on interpretation of legislation
- Implementation and review of controls related to Research & Development (R&D)